Windows of Hope LGBTIQ+ Support

Windows of Hope is designed to improve the mental health and wellbeing outlook of those from the LGBTIQ+ community. The program provides individualised support to identify challenges and provide linkages to support services, community activities and specialised support to meet these needs and empower all LGBTIQ+ people and communities to reach their full potential.

We provide service in an early intervention space to prevent the escalation of mental health concerns and reduce the need for psychological intervention. Participants will develop a Pathways Plan that focuses on their future direction and personal journey. This will focus on the strengths and skills of the individual and target their specific needs to ensure that they are empowered to take whatever steps forward they need to enhance their wellbeing.

Eligibility Criteria

Age: All Ages

Location: Lake Macquarie/ Newcastle resident

Diagnosis: Not required

Venue: Centre Based , i school or outreach

Cost: FREE


This project is proudly funded by:

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