Thanks to our amazing community partners Rest in Essence, we are able to provide a range of psychosocial support programs to young people who are experiencing personal challenges that may impact on their mental health. Rest in Essence’s multi-disciplinary team is focussed on working with young people and the important adults in their lives. Prevention of escalating distress and early intervention to improve coping and resilience are central to our approach. Our paediatric occupational therapist (Mrs Carly Beer) will assess the therapeutic value of each program activity and provide a written report pre and post program based on observations of the group and facilitator feedback.
This program is best suited to young people who are at risk of disengaging from education or may have already disengaged and may be experiencing personal challenges that are affecting the young persons mental health. Those who have reduced their school attendance, peer/personal relationships and community interaction are and those who may be questioning their future will also benefit from these programs.
Eligibility Criteria
Age: 12-18
Location: Lake Macquarie / Newcastle resident
Diagnosis: Not required
Venue: Outreach into community locations
Cost: FREE
For further information contact our team on:
Phone: 0447 81 61 49
This project is proudly funded by: